miercuri, 3 iulie 2024

Published iulie 03, 2024 by with 0 comment

Welcome to Imperial Education Services: Your Gateway to Global Learning ( VIDEO )

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luni, 1 iulie 2024

Published iulie 01, 2024 by with 0 comment

De ce sa studiezi in Marea Britanie

 Studierea în Marea Britanie poate fi o experiență extrem de benefică datorită mai multor factori. Iată câteva motive pentru care ai putea să alegi să studiezi în Marea Britanie:

1. **Reputația Academică**: Marea Britanie găzduiește unele dintre cele mai prestigioase universități din lume, precum Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London și London School of Economics. Aceste instituții sunt recunoscute pentru excelența lor academică și cercetare.

2. **Diversitate de Programe**: Universitățile britanice oferă o gamă largă de programe și specializări. Indiferent de domeniul tău de interes, vei găsi probabil un program care să se potrivească nevoilor tale academice și profesionale.

3. **Durata Studiilor**: Durata programelor de licență în Marea Britanie este de obicei de trei ani, iar a celor de masterat este de un an. Acest lucru poate reprezenta un avantaj, permițându-ți să îți finalizezi studiile mai rapid în comparație cu alte țări.

4. **Calitatea Învățământului**: Marea Britanie este cunoscută pentru standardele sale înalte de predare și pentru accentul pus pe dezvoltarea abilităților critice și analitice ale studenților. Metodele de predare includ prelegeri, seminarii și sesiuni de laborator, oferind o educație completă și interactivă.

5. **Oportunități de Cercetare**: Dacă ești interesat de cercetare, Marea Britanie este un loc excelent pentru tine. Universitățile britanice sunt implicate în cercetări de vârf în diverse domenii și oferă resurse excelente pentru studenții care doresc să se implice în proiecte de cercetare.

6. **Diversitate Culturală**: Marea Britanie este un loc foarte divers din punct de vedere cultural, găzduind studenți din toate colțurile lumii. Acest mediu multicultural îți poate oferi oportunitatea de a întâlni și de a învăța de la oameni cu perspective și experiențe diferite.

7. **Suport pentru Studenți Internaționali**: Universitățile din Marea Britanie oferă un suport excelent pentru studenții internaționali, inclusiv servicii de consiliere, orientare și sprijin financiar. Multe universități au birouri specializate pentru a ajuta studenții internaționali să se adapteze la viața academică și socială din Marea Britanie.

8. **Perspective de Carieră**: Diplomele obținute în Marea Britanie sunt recunoscute și respectate la nivel global. Absolvenții universităților britanice au acces la oportunități excelente de carieră atât în Marea Britanie, cât și în alte țări.

9. **Învățarea Limbii Engleze**: Studierea într-o țară vorbitoare de limbă engleză îți oferă șansa de a-ți îmbunătăți abilitățile lingvistice, ceea ce poate fi un mare avantaj în cariera ta profesională.

10. **Experiențe Extra-curriculare**: Pe lângă studii, universitățile britanice oferă o gamă largă de activități extra-curriculare, cum ar fi cluburi și societăți studențești, care îți permit să îți dezvolți interesele personale și să îți faci prieteni noi.

Aceste motive fac din Marea Britanie o destinație atractivă pentru studenți din întreaga lume, oferind o combinație de educație de înaltă calitate, oportunități de dezvoltare personală și profesională și o experiență culturală unică.

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miercuri, 26 iunie 2024

Published iunie 26, 2024 by with 0 comment




London is the capital city of the United Kingdom. It is the U.K.'s largest metropolis and its economic, transportation, and cultural centre. London is also among the oldest of the world's great cities, with its history spanning nearly two millennia.


Birmingham is the largest city of the West Midlands conurbation—one of England's principal industrial and commercial areas—for which it acts as an administrative, recreational, and cultural centre. The city lies approximately 110 miles (177 km) northwest of London.


Manchester is the nucleus of the largest metropolitan area in the north of England, and it remains an important regional city, but it has lost the extraordinary vitality and unique influence that put it at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution.


Northampton is a market town and civil parish in the East Midlands of England, on the River Nene, 60 miles (97 km) north-west of London and 50 miles (80 km) south-east of Birmingham.


The unofficial capital of Yorkshire. A city at the heart of the action, bursting with life and cultural energy. A vibrant creative community, with award-winning national theatre and dance companies, a world-class arena, and a thriving independent food scene you won't find anywhere else.

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Published iunie 26, 2024 by with 0 comment

Our Postgraduate Courses

 Studying a postgraduate degree in the UK offers numerous benefits, which contribute to both personal and professional growth. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. **High-Quality Education:** The UK is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities renowned for their academic excellence and research output. Studying a postgraduate degree in the UK provides access to top-notch faculty, cutting-edge facilities, and a rigorous academic environment.

2. **Wide Range of Programs:** UK universities offer a diverse range of postgraduate programs across various disciplines, catering to different interests and career aspirations. Whether you're interested in business, science, engineering, humanities, or the arts, there's likely to be a program that suits your needs.

3. **International Recognition:** Degrees from UK universities are highly respected and recognized worldwide. Holding a postgraduate qualification from a UK institution can enhance your credibility and employability, opening doors to global career opportunities.

4. **Research Opportunities:** Many postgraduate programs in the UK emphasize research and offer opportunities for students to engage in groundbreaking research projects. This can be particularly beneficial if you're considering a career in academia or research.

5. **Cultural Diversity:** Studying in the UK exposes you to a rich cultural tapestry, with students from all over the world converging in an international learning environment. This diversity fosters cross-cultural understanding, enriches academic discussions, and provides networking opportunities with peers from diverse backgrounds.

6. **Networking Opportunities:** UK universities often have strong links with industry, providing students with access to networking events, guest lectures, and internship opportunities. Building connections with professionals in your field can enhance your career prospects and lead to valuable collaborations.





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miercuri, 15 mai 2024

Published mai 15, 2024 by with 0 comment

More about Student Finance


The UK government wants to help people from all socio-economic backgrounds to study at university. That is precisely why substantial financial aid is offered in the form of student loans, loans that can be accessed by everyone. Financial aid applies to both undergraduate and graduate programs, covering tuition and student expenses.

The UK government's aim is not to get money back from students after they finish university but rather to prepare as many qualified people as possible for today's job market. So you don't have to worry too much about repaying these loans because there are very specific conditions for repayment, not all graduates have to do it. Moreover, a possible refund will not affect your future income too much.

All of these loans you can access are offered through Student Finance England, a not-for-profit organization that provides funding on behalf of the UK government. This organization plays a key role in helping EU and UK students to gain higher education. There are some differences between tuition fee loans, maintenance support and some additional types of financial support that students can apply for – including material aid for students with children and disabled people, scholarships and bursaries, etc.

If you would like to know more details about the eligibility requirements and the types of financial aid you can access, do not hesitate to contact our experts and find out how you can benefit from this very beneficial government program! Each applicant has their own specific situation, they can meet the conditions differently, so to find out immediately what type of financial aid you can get, contact our specialists at Imperial Education Services!

Apply now!

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duminică, 21 aprilie 2024

Published aprilie 21, 2024 by with 0 comment

Refer a friend


How to do this?





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Published aprilie 21, 2024 by with 0 comment

Work with us !


We are seeking for a commission-based student recruiter!

Imperial Education Services was established to help all people access university studies

Key Responsibilities: -
             English speaker (Intermediate level)
             Good Microsoft Office skills 
• Planning, coordination, delivery and evaluation of access, targeted student recruitment conversion and retention activity.
• Identify key communities based on market research and trends to shape student recruitment and marketing strategies.
• Promote and sell the programs of Imperial Education Services  to potential students and the wider communities,
• Development of relationships both internally and externally to achieve both student recruitment targets.
• Ensure customer data is recorded accurately and in a timely fashion into all appropriate systems.
• Reaching out to prospective students who have submitted an interest in our courses, with the aim of supporting them through the application process, through to enrolment
• Managing inbound enquiries from multiple channels, including telephone and email.
• To promote highest levels of team response and customer service in line with brand and style guidelines.
• To hit annual revenue targets set for year, maximizing conversion rates and working towards exceeding targets.
• Support recruitment campaigns in association with Marketing including, but not limited to, social media, webinars, email, press and print.
• Support key recruitment stakeholders and student recruitment agents to ensure quality standards are maintained.
• To understand market trends and proactively identify challenges and opportunities that may aid digital marketing efforts.
• Provide leadership to maximise recruitment and revenue growth potential to meet student targets within the strategic plan.


Stop thinking about it, join our team!

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